Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Friend membership level.

Become a Friend of Mill Hill Park today. By becoming a friend, you will be able to:

  • Have a voice as a park user.
  • Enhance the park environment.
  • Improve, develop and promote park facilities and activities
  • Join a community of friends
  • Post a blog on the website

The price for membership is £10.00 per Year.

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here

Personal Information

Pay by

To subscribe, please email with:
1. Your name
2. Email address
3. Postal address
4. Telephone number

stating that you wish to join*, and make a bank transfer of £10.00 to:

Account The Friends of Mill Hill Park
Sort code 60-14-27
Account Code 56701187
Reference SUBS + (Your Name)

Please set up a Standing Order when you make your payment, to automatically renew your membership on the 1st July every year.

If you wish to pay by cheque instead, please let us know on the email and we will give you an address to post it to.

We will be in contact to welcome you as a member and find out what your interests are and how you would like to help.

*for GDPR purposes, by emailing us to become a member you authorise The Friends of Mill Hill Park to hold your personal details on computer or in print solely to enable them to carry out their aims and functions and not for release to any other third party.